If you have an excessive amount of fat in the area beneath your belly button so definitely you do not need to undergo procedures like tummy-tuck to get rid of this issue. We are here to offer you a perfect solution to this problem. Mini Abdominoplasty In Dubai is all that you need. This procedure is gaining popularity with every passing day due to its uniqueness and ability to remove unwanted fat from the desired area in a minimally invasive way. So pay a visit to our clinic and avail the benefits of this procedure under the supervision of our highly expert team. Read on to learn more about this course of action.
What Can You Expect From This Procedure?
This surgery serves the best possible results for the individual suffering from unwanted fatty material in their lower abdomen. You can expect a more flat and toned tummy through the outcomes of this therapy. If childbirth has left behind stretch marks on this particular region of your body, this methodology can help in the reduction of those signs. However, these results can only be witnessed if the surgery is performed by a highly qualified expert in the field.
Can You Undergo This Procedure?
- To be eligible to undergo this procedure you must be in good overall health, with zero chances of any such diseases that could increase the risk of any complication during and after the treatment.
- You must have had to maintain a suitable weight for the past 3-4 months before you undergo this procedure.
- If you have extra fatty skin in your lower abdomen which you have failed to get rid of through exercise and home remedies so you can be a good option for this operation.
- If you are a woman you must not have any near plans to have more children, only then you can consider this therapy suitable for you.
- An ideal candidate must have good elasticity in the skin to increase the chance of re-shaping quickly and more effectively.
Pre-Operative Set Of Instructions:
Some of the common rules that you must obey before undergoing this procedure are discussed beneath:
- Make sure to do proper research about this therapy before deciding to go for it.
- If you are a smoker, so you must quit smoking at least 2 weeks before this therapy.
- Strictly avoid taking any such supplements that can make your blood thin.
- Drink as much water as possible to keep you hydrated.
- Before coming for the surgery, make sure to arrange proper transport for yourself.
How Is It Performed?
- The expert will examine your overall fitness.
- Only if they find you eligible for the surgery, they will give you anesthesia.
- Moving forward, after the targetted area becomes completely numb, the expert will move towards creating small cuts to extract unwanted fatty material from the thighs or abdomen of the candidate.
- For the fat removal process, the technique of liposuction and direct excision is used.
- After this, your surgeon will examine if your muscles need tightening or not, and if needed so they will tighten the abdomen muscles.
- In the next part of the operation, they will redrape the remaining skin over the lower abdomen in order to create a smoother look.
- With this step, the procedure comes to an end, and the doctor moves on to stitch the cuts that they had made.
Post-Operative Set Of Instructions:
- To stimulate the healing process, you need to follow all the instructions given by your doctor. Some of the general ones are mentioned below:
- Take as much rest as possible.
- You must avoid weight lifting and any other hard exercises.
- Swelling can be reduced by wearing compression garments.
- As certain cuts are made during this procedure, to keep them safe from any infection, you should keep them clean and dry.
- Do not miss any follow-up appointments to let the doctor examine the speed and condition of your recovery process.
- To speed up the healing process of wounds, you must eat healthy food including meat, vegetables, etc.
- Avoid dairy products like milk and yogurt, as they can lead to infection like puss in the wound.
- If you feel any extra pain or discomfort in the treated area, without wasting any time immediately get in touch with your surgeon.
Positive Points Of Mini Abdominoplasty:
Some of the common benefits of this procedure are discussed below:
- It serves you with an enhanced overall look.
- Many candidates find this procedure as a source of confidence boosting.
- This course of action not only removes the extra skin but also increases the laxity of your skin.
- It helps you to get rid of stretched marks.
- It can lead to improved posters which can result in minimizing the back problems.
Negative Points Of It:
- Certain cuts are made during this methodology, and if not taken care of properly they can leave scars on the treated area.
- If exposed to moisture, the risk of infection increases.
- Temporary numbness can be witnessed by the patient, but it gets healed within a short period.
Is It Cost-Friendly?
The overall cost of this procedure can vary depending on the number of sessions needed to achieve the desired results, the patient’s condition, and the expertise of the doctor. But in general, the Cost of Mini Abdominoplasty in Dubai can be estimated to vary between AED 15000 to AED 20000.
Let Us Help You!
Do you want to know more about Mini Abdominoplasty In Dubai & Abu Dhabi? We’re here to help you out. Booking a consultation with us is easy and free, you can fill out the form given below to book an appointment. with our highly qualified experts at Dynamic Aesthetic Clinic In Dubai just let us know what time works best for you, and we’ll take care of the rest.