Damon Braces

Are you tired of having misaligned teeth? Is this fact stopping you from smiling openly and freely? If you are looking for a treatment other than traditional braces for which you do not have to keep visiting the dentist for adjusting the installations to achieve your sedated goal, trust us Damon Braces System In Dubai is going to work as a dream come true type of procedure for you. Because of its self-ligating ability, it is gaining popularity with every passing moment and people are preferring this procedure over braces and other teeth straightening therapies. Visit our clinic and avail the benefits of this teeth changer under the supervision of our highly qualified team.

What Out-Turns Can Be Expected?

As every individual is completely different from the other and so are their teeth. The problems related to teeth are also different among humans some people have crooked teeth, some have overbites, underbites, and crossbites, while the other sufferers might have issue of having gaps between teeth or may be going through the issue of crowded teeth. This one single procedure is capable of dealing with all these issues and provides you with straight and more aligned teeth. Apart from overcoming cosmetic issues this course of action has also proven as a beneficial method for dealing with oral health and functional issues like decay, gum diseases, etc. Almost all the past candidates have shown a sense of satisfaction with the outcomes of this procedure.

Suitability Criteria:

  • To be a good choice for this procedure, not only oral but overall physical condition also matters a lot. So make sure to be medically fit for this course of action.
  • The main goal of individuals looking out for this treatment should be to improve their smiles by correcting the misalignment of denticles.
  • You must not be a smoker to be suitable for this cosmetic procedure.
  • You must be financially strong enough because these installations might be costly.

Pre-Procedure Working:

  • Do thorough research about the procedure, its risks, benefits, and total cost.
  • Find out a highly qualified dentist and immediately book a consultation with them.
  • Tell them about your goals and ask them any questions that you might be having about these innovative installations.
  • Follow all the instructions that your practitioner guides you about, before entering the clinic for installing these new materials.
  • Make sure to clean your teeth properly before going for the performance of action.
  • Avoid eating hard and sticky food items almost 24 hours prior to the action.

Installing The Damon Braces:

  • Unlike other dental treatments, here the orthodontist will first make a proper plan to perform a customized action by mentioning details about the total expected time of the procedure, every tiny detail about the application process, and the number of follow-up sessions that the individual would require.
  • In the next step, the practitioner applies the braces on the teeth of the candidate. They will attach the brackets with every single tooth, and then with the help of wires they will connect them.
  • The procedure doesn’t end with this one session, you will need to revisit the practitioner periodically just for the purpose of adjusting the braces. The required changes will be made after monitoring your current condition.
  • The procedure ends with the removal of the installations, which is done by using a special tool.
  • In the end, the expert will guide you about the retainers that you will need to wear after the extraction of braces for maintaining the outcomes.

After Removal Of Damon Braces:

  • Maintain your oral hygiene, for the purpose of enjoying life-long results.
  • To maintain the results and to avoid the reversion, make sure to wear retainers as prescribed by the orthodontist.
  • Change your other toothpaste with fluoride and brush your teeth twitch a day.
  • Mouthwash should also be added to your must-to-do list.
  • Avoid eating hard food items like dry fruits or the ones that could cause pressure to discomfort to your braces.
  • Sticky eatables should be excluded from your eating list.
  • For cleaning purposes, you should attend all the follow-up sessions.
  • In case of feeling any abnormal pain or discomfort after when your braces get removed, you must immediately discuss it with your expert.

Essential Benefits:

  • Compared to traditional methodologies, it is less time-consuming.
  • It requires less number of follow-up sessions.
  • As it does not involve using metal or elastic ties, patients find it way more comfortable.
  • It comparatively causes less pressure on teeth.
  • It serves you with the benefit of getting greater control over the movement of the tooth.
  • Through the experience of past candidates, it has been proven to be more effective and comfortable as compared to other dental procedures.

Is It Risky In Any Way?

  • The patient may find it uncomfortable after when applied for the first time.
  • You may have to face the difficulty of brushing and flossing more frequently for the prevention of tooth decay.
  • People get frustrated with the fact that the food they chew gets stuck in the braces.
  • If you do not maintain your oral hygiene, you might have to witness discoloration of teeth.
  • You may find it difficult to pronounce certain words till you get comfortable with the new installations.

Total Cost To Be Expected:

The overall cost can vary depending on different factors like the condition and expectations of the patient, surgeon, the hospital, etc. but the general cost can be considered between  AED 8000 to AED 28000.

Visit Us:

We’re here to guide you about What are the uses and side effects of Damon Braces System In Dubai? Booking a consultation with us is easy, you can fill out the form given below to book an appointment with our highly qualified experts at Dynamic Aesthetic Clinic.