Night Guard Splint

If you are among those people who are facing bruxism while sleeping at night. Then you are at the right place for consultation. Now you can also wear glasses on your teeth. This is possible due to advancements in technology. Your problem can be solved and you can have a comfortable sleep. For this purpose, our Clinic offers Night Guard Splint In Dubai for the people who want to get rid of this problem. With this issue, it can cause neck and head pain. Dental issues can also be caused by it. This treatment will protect you from grinding of teeth. It is a good platform for you to avail. We are providing you with more details about it given below.

What is a Night Guard Splint?

These are the plastic or silicon-made pads. They are worn on the upper and lower teeth. They are made to protect the teeth from rubbing. They do not cure any disease but prevent the teeth from leading to any disease. They will work best to protect your teeth. They are soft and elastic in composition. There are different types of Night Guard Splints. There are 2 types of splints depending on the nature of them.

  • Classic Nightcap

They are those types of pads that are worn at night and are removed in the morning. It fits the teeth perfectly. A candidate will not feel any discomfort while wearing it. Your teeth will be protected from grinding.

  • Day Mouth Guard

They are a special type of pad that is worn during wakefulness. If you are among those people who can not control their involuntary closing of jaws. They are effective and are invisible on your teeth. They look aesthetic on the candidate’s teeth. 

The doctor will choose the best night guard splint for a patient according to their condition. 

Aim of the Method:

The following are the goals of this therapy:

  • Improve sleep by checking bruxism-related problems.
  • It saves patients from dental restorations like crowns and bridges, from damage.
  • Helps to complete ora health by getting you rid of the harmful effects of bruxism on teeth and jaw structures.
  • Tailor-fit the night guard to ensure great comfort and effectiveness for the candidates.
  • Keep the real arrangement of the teeth and prevent alterations in the bite pattern caused b bruxism.
  •  Provide a protective solution to get rid of ongoing damage and difficulties related to bruxism.

Different Manufacturing Method:

There are different manufacturing methods for night guard splints.


Before using them, they should be put into hot water. They are placed on the teeth and pressure is applied. They will attain the shape of your jaws. They will be comfortable to wear.


They can be immediately worn. They are cheap. They do not take the shape of your teeth. They can cause a little bit of discomfort. It depends on your condition which type of night guard splint is suitable for you. 


They are made on the exact impression of your jaws. They are according to the thickness and parameters of your teeth. They are little bit expensive than others. But they are very effective and comfortable to wear.

Expected Results:

The results are amazing. They will protect the teeth from further bruxism. It will serve as a barrier between your teeth. You will protected from enamel formation into your teeth. You will face no more severe headaches. If you want these results then you should avail this opportunity.


There are a lot of benefits of Night Guard Splint In Dubai & Abu Dhabi. We are providing you with some of them. Read them given below:

  • You will feel comfortable in these night guard splints.
  • A candidate will get rid of all dental issues caused by grinding of teeth.
  • You will lead a peaceful life without any problems.
  • A person will be able to sleep properly.
  • The results are long-lasting.
  • These appliances will look all-natural.
  • No more headaches will be faced by the candidate.
  • Your teeth will protected from enamel formation.

Useful precautions to follow:

There are some precautionary measures for this device. Read these instructions carefully for your safety measures.

  • You should wash them with warm water after every use.
  • Clean them properly with the toothbrush.
  • They must be stored in a safe place.
  • You should not put them at a high temperature or a direct sunlight, it can cause damage to them
  • If the product is deformed then it should not used by the candidate.
  • You should visit the dentist after intervals to know about the present condition of the teeth.

The expense of the Therapy:

The charges of Night Guard Splint In Dubai & Abu Dhabi change by depending on several factors such as material, customization, and dental provider fees. However, the charges range from AED 300 to AED 1000. Charges can be changed by different things. Consulting the physician offers a more perfect estimate based on the patient’s needs.

Book an Appointment!

If you want to get the process of Night Guard Splint In Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah then what you have to do is to visit the website of Dynamic Aesthetic Clinic and fill out the form given. In this way, you will be able to have your therapy from our clinic