Mostly during the last phase of teenage, many people get their wisdom teeth. But in one out of millions of cases, these denticles become problem creators for the individual. If you are also suffering from such pain so do not punish yourself by tolerating it for longer than needed. We are offering you one of the very common dental procedures Wisdom Tooth Extraction In Dubai, which can work as a problem solver for this pain. Continue reading to find out how beneficial is this procedure for you.
What Can You Expect From Wisdom Tooth Extraction?
The results of this procedure are different in almost every case. Because the outcomes totally depend on the individual’s condition, needs, and goals. Normally after this course of action, many people face swelling in the part of the mouth from where the tooth has been extracted. But this swelling goes away within 2-3 days. If we take a look at the overall results of this treatment so people find it as a pain reliever. Wisdom tooth itself causes so much severe pain, that after when it gets removed and the wounds get healed, the patient feels relaxed and comfortable. In some cases, the condition of this particular tooth is so complex that it can harm the nearby teeth as well. So its extraction can save future damage to the other teeth.
Suitable Candidate For Wisdom Tooth Extraction?
- If you are having damaged, tilted, or erupted wisdom tooth so you are eligible for this treatment.
- In case you do not feel any pain or discomfort in that exact tooth but witness swelling in the area surrounding it, this procedure can work as a problem solver for you.
- Some humans naturally have small mouths, and such individuals cannot afford the wisdom tooth, so then it needs to be extracted immediately.
- If you have a misaligned bite that is constantly creating issues with the wisdom teeth, you can consider yourself a good choice for the course of action.
Some Steps To Make Yourself Ready For This Procedure:
- Do proper research about this course of action.
- Make an appointment with an expert in this field.
- Discuss your goals and expectations from this procedure.
- Make sure to stop the intake of any food item, at least 4-6 hours before undergoing this procedure.
- Strictly follow all the pretreatment instructions given by your dentist like brushing, flossing, etc
- Consider smoking, consumption of alcohol, and soft drinks prohibited right after you decide to get rid of this issue.
How Do They Perform It?
- This procedure is performed under anesthesia.
- The oral surgeon will numb the area surrounding that particular wisdom tooth.
- After when the anesthesia starts functioning, they will make minor cuts in the gum tissues.
- By using special dental tools, they will expertly extract the targeted tooth.
- In some cases where it appears in a tilted form, the dentist will have to make a bit larger incisions to deal with the denticle.
- After removing it, the practitioner will properly clean your mouth by using a suction machine.
- Then they stitch the opened regions.
- Just to stop the bleeding, the doctor will provide you a gauze to bite.
How To Ensure The Healing Process?
- After this therapy, make sure to bite the given gauze for at least 23-30 minutes.
- You might get some swelling, to reduce that you must keep applying ice packs on your neck unless you feel relieved.
- To cope with pain, take all the prescribed medicines timely.
- The first whole day is very crucial, so make sure not to rinse your mouth.
- Avoid spitting.
- After 24 hours, clean your mouth with lukewarm water containing salt in it.
- Prefer the intake of soft food items.
- Avoid consumption of cold drinks, tobacco, and alcohol.
- Prefer eating ice cream, to relieve the pain and discomfort.
Some Essential Benefits of Wisdom Tooth Extraction:
- Works as a pain reliever in case of an infected wisdom tooth.
- Prevents future damage to other teeth.
- Provides improved oral hygiene.
- In severe cases, wisdom teeth can lead to greater health issues like tumors and cysts, the extraction of that one tooth can prevent the risks of such issues.
- This procedure can minimize the rate of headaches.
What Risks Can You Expect From It?
- This treatment can be painful.
- If not taken care of properly, different infections can occur in the treated region.
- In rare cases, it can cause sinus problems.
Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extraction?
The overall cost of this procedure can vary from person to person, depending on their demands and condition. But in a general view, we can say that the price of the whole procedure ranges from AED 1500 to AED 1999.
Let’s Work On This Problem Together:
Are you looking for a check-up? Or do you need some medical advice, or want to discuss any concerns you may have, about Wisdom Tooth Extraction In Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah? We’re here to help you out. Booking a consultation with us is easy, you can fill out the form given below and book an appointment, with our highly qualified experts at Dynamic Aesthetic Clinic just let us know what time works best for you, and we’ll take care of the rest. We’re committed to providing you with the best possible care, and we look forward to seeing you soon!