Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment in Dubai

Sweating keeps the body temperature normal. Being a natural phenomenon it carries a lot of benefits along with it. But do you know how it feels when the rate of perspiration becomes higher than required? Yes, you are right. Your body starts stinking. If you are done with taking a shower twice a day regardless of the weather condition you are on the right page. You do not have to worry about the problem of over-sweating. You must continue reading as we are about to introduce you to the Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment In Dubai. With the help of a laser, this procedure serves you with life-long relief from stinking.

What Can You Possibly See?

By removing the glands producing the sweat, Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment can help you achieve a stink-less axilla. With permanent and immediate out-turns, it enhances your self-confidence. The number of sessions depends upon the level of dryness that the candidate wants to achieve. Targeting the unnecessary glands only, results in a balanced production of diaphoresis. 

Suitable Patient for Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment:

  • The candidate must be overall medically fit.
  • Should be strictly following good hygiene.
  • If you are having an issue with over-moist palms and soles, you must undergo this therapy.
  • To be eligible for this action you must have rational expectations from it.
  • If your starch test comes out negative, you should not go for this procedure.
  • You must protect your child from the harmful rays of laser, pregnant or currently breastfeeding mothers should strictly avoid this course of action.

Results of Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment:

Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment Clinic in Dubai Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment Cost in Dubai

Instructions That You Must Follow Before Procedure:

  • You should make sure to have every detail about the procedure and the expert before going for this therapy.
  • Deodorizers, body sprays, or any other type of cosmetic product should not be used in the targeted area.
  • Before going to the clinic, do not forget to take a proper shower.
  • In case you are taking any blood thinning supplements for any purpose, you should stop their intake 2-3 days before the action.
  • You must have an attendee to look after your belongings, a spare set of clothes, and a source of transportation.
  • Make sure to ask every single question about the therapy from your expert before you lay on the procedure bed.

In Detail Working:

  • This course of action takes no longer than 50-60 minutes to get completed.
  • As the first step of the therapy, the practitioner makes sure that the point of Hyperhidrosis treatment is completely clean.
  • After making it free of dirt, oil, and bacteria, the expert then applies an anesthetic ointment on it.
  • In the next move, the doctor then marks the area that needs laser therapy with a pen.
  • While waiting for the region to get numbed, your expert utilizes the time to set the device.
  • Once the expert is satisfied that the patient will not witness any pain or discomfort, they start attacking the marked area by releasing the wavelengths of laser light.
  • This energy not only heats up but also destroys the excessive sweat glands.
  • The work comes to an end when the doctor covers the treated site with a bandage, after cleaning it properly.

How Can You Maintain The Upshots?

  • You might witness irritation, but you should keep in mind not to touch, rub, or scratch the treated region. 
  • Make sure to strictly avoid any type of tough activity that could increase the rate of sweating.
  • You should keep the area of treatment away from sunlight, hot showers, swimming, and application of topical agents.
  • To avoid the chance of irritation, you should wear loose and soft clothes.
  • You can promote the recovery process by drinking more and more water, as it will keep the site hydrated.
  • In case of witnessing swelling, bruising, or redness, gently rub ice packs around the point of the procedure.
  • To keep the area clean and dry should be one of your main priorities.
  • To minimize the risk of infection or irritation, consider shaving, waxing, and threading prohibited for 5-6 days.
  • Without tolerating, you should discuss any unusual symptoms with your doctor.
  • Do follow the future sessions if told by the expert.

Positive Impacts of Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment:

  • By reducing the production of sweat, it increases the confidence level of the candidates.
  • It makes the candidate tension-free from carrying antiperspirants all the time.
  • This therapy protects you from the risk of future related skin infections.
  • It is capable of serving you life-long outcomes on many different parts of the body.
  • This procedure is completely safe and extremely effective.
  • You can return to your daily life tasks right after the Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment finishes.
  • As it is a completely non-surgical treatment, so you do not have to worry about scarring.


  • If you do not follow the after-care instructions seriously, there might be a risk of infection.
  • Some candidates also witness skin burns due to the high temperature of hot rays.
  • In some cases, the patient requires additional sessions to achieve their desired goals.

Cost of Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment:

The clinic, practitioner, goals, options, and condition of the candidate are the factors that can affect the total price of this procedure. But the total Cost of Laser Hyperhidrosis Treatment in Dubai that you will have to bear can be expected to range between AED 1,500 and AED 3,000.

Visit Us!

If you are looking for a secure, affordable, and trustworthy place for performing Hyperhidrosis Treatment In Dubai, then trust us you are in safe hands. Booking a consultation with our highly qualified team at Dynamic AestheticClinic in Dubai is not only easy but completely free as well. By just filling out the form given below you can book an appointment and get a chance to get over all skin-related problems.